I confess that I love the History Channel. And I do learn from it. Is it ever sensational? Sure. Is it truly historical? Or just hysterical? Sometimes both. But then, is history really "history," or is it an ongoing tabloid we call history?
If you haven't heard yet, 2012 AD is the end of the Mayan calendar, with all the import that may carry regarding the big paradigm shift some think of as the "end of the world."
According to HC researchers, there is a plethora of information about this coming from more than the Mayans. And don't forget that Mel Gibson's Apocalypto was about the Mayan apocalypse that occurred as the result of the arrival of the white man. Maybe, in a bigger cosmic sense, the arrival of the Conquistadors is just 6 years away.
Whatever, this is a "Kodak moment" for New Age enthusiasts (or is it a "senior moment" for Baby Boomers?) The snapshot of the cosmic change was, for the ancient hippies, the moment of the beginning of the age of peace and love, or The Aquarian Age. I am personally well-situated for this since our residential area is guarded by a big obalisque and our streets are zodiac names.
HC (History Channel) utilized numerous sources for the analysis including Mayan prophecy, the I Ching, Merlin the Magician, and,I think, the Bible Code (I didn't see the whole show). Perhaps the most impressive evidence comes from a computer project currently running that shops and compares among multiple millions of Internet interactions as a means to skry the future. By flagging certain references made, the idea is that the program will sort of psychoanalyze the world mind and come up with a collective psychic code of future events. That is, it compiles the global psychic grid and reduces it down to analyzing how that mind of mankind arrives at particulars about future events. We now tap into the global village psyche and pull up prophetic information.
However you may feel about all this stuff, get ready for a blitz not unlike the Y2K phenomenon.
This will generate interest. After all, the Mayans were amazing scientists, in a way. Their calendar and solar year were the most accurate in the world. How did they do it? I don't know. Luck. So we'll be lucky to get through 2012.
Speaking of Y2K, the band-aid used to fix the computer glitch in 2000 is also going to expire in, if I remember right, 2028? I don't know. See if I can find that somewhere. So we have more to worry about than just the demise of time according to the Mayans.
So this is just a heads-up, folks. You have 6 years to fool around with and then....
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Since the Mayans worshiped devils and sacrificed to devils I would put much unto the end of the world. They were a very smart people. I have been in the Mayan temples in Yucatan Mexico. They were very invented and new the seasons. Their temples are so positioned that the sun goes through a perfect situated hole in the temple to hit the exact spot on summer solstice. On the other hand even savages are taken care of by God. He does cause his rain to fall on just and un-just alike.
People have been predicting the end of the world as long as there have been people. Did the Mayans offer any explanations on HOW it would end?
Hi Toby.
I see two things here. First, what if the Mayans meant the "End of the Age" instead of end of the world? Second, perhaps they needed more information to extend their calendar and their culture died out before this was accomplished. Yes, they have stories of an apocalyptic end of destruction by fire. I think the fire their prophets saw was the cleansing fire of God Almighty coming to clease each heart and free mankind from self destruction. The Mayan prophets just had no paradigm for applying this kind of revelation.
In Cancun I picked up a copy of the Mayan creation story, the Popol Vu, and read it on the plane home. Their whole version of scriptures is very cartoonish. You could make Disney pictures from them.
I'll see if I can look up Mayan prophecies, because I think they did have some. But HC put together a composite of prophecies from many different sources. Natural disasters, of course, is one of the biggies. Al Gore is keeping us up on those developments.
By the Way Al,
You might want to set up your blog to show the most recent entry byyou at the top. I think it is done in "settings" I thinkit is :Formatting" or Site Feed.
When my blog comes on my screen the most recent blog does appear at the top. Strange.
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