Below is an extract from an examination of Koran scriptures I found on the Web (site address below). There were many more in this vein, but for brevity I left a few for you to ponder. We can see that if an individual Muslim focused on and pondered these things seriously, he would develop a violent religious attitude bent on hating and annihilating competing monotheistic faiths.
Jesus taught that if we have mercy we will obtain mercy. He didn't set us up as judges of men, out to make war on anyone who disagrees with us. Yet Muhammed, a general-warrior, made it the core of his message. There is no mercy here for unbelievers. This appeals to what is most base in human nature. And it stirs up a mean and spiteful religious pride that ignores the fact we are all sinners. Now imagine giving someone like this a nuclear weapon. Read the Koran below:
Let the reader ponder the Muslim contradiction that a man has the right to choose whatever he wants within the Islamic context of individual freedom.
Muhammad and Tolerance of Other Religions
Hadith Sahih Muslim (4363) "You (the Jews) should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle and I wish to expel you from this land (Arabia)"
Jesus taught that if we have mercy we will obtain mercy. He didn't set us up as judges of men, out to make war on anyone who disagrees with us. Yet Muhammed, a general-warrior, made it the core of his message. There is no mercy here for unbelievers. This appeals to what is most base in human nature. And it stirs up a mean and spiteful religious pride that ignores the fact we are all sinners. Now imagine giving someone like this a nuclear weapon. Read the Koran below:
Let the reader ponder the Muslim contradiction that a man has the right to choose whatever he wants within the Islamic context of individual freedom.
Muhammad and Tolerance of Other Religions
Hadith Sahih Muslim (4363) "You (the Jews) should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle and I wish to expel you from this land (Arabia)"
Qur'an (4366) "I will expel
(Qur'an 48:29) "Those who follow
Qur'an (60:4) "Enmity and
Qur'an (8:39) (2:193) "Make
Qur'an (9:5) "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, capture and besiege them and prepare for them every kind of ambush."
Qur'an (5:72-73) "For he who believes in the Trinity, "the Fire will be his abode ' a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemer."
Oft-Merciful Allah
Qur'an (21:11) "How many were the populations We utterly destroyed because of their iniquities."
Oft-Merciful Allah
Qur'an (21:11) "How many were the populations We utterly destroyed because of their iniquities."
Qur'an (2:65) "To those who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, We said to them: "Be ye apes
Qur'an (2:213) "Allah guides whom He will to a path that is straight."
Qur'an (2:253) "If Allah had so willed, succeeding generations should not have fought among each other (over religion)."
Qur'an (4:89) "' if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them."
Qur'an (5:33) "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messengers ' is execution or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides."
Qur'an (6:137) "If Allah had willed, they would not have done so. (slaughtered their children)."
Qur'an (6:165) "It is He Who hath made you ' inheritors of the earth: He hath raised you on ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He hath given you."
Qur'an (8:12) "Allah called on the angels to "smite all their finger tips off them. (the unbelievers)"
Qur'an (17:13) "Every man's fate We have fastened on his neck."
Qur'an (23:41) "Then the earthquake overtook them with justice as We made them as rubbish of dead leaves - so away with the people who do wrong."
Qur'an (44:16) "One day We shall seize you with a mighty onslaught: We will indeed then exact Retribution."
Qur'an (47:4) "When ye meet the Unbelievers in jihad smite at their necks."
The attitude of the Muslims toward the Christians and the Jews is that of a master towards slaves, whom he treats with a certain lordly tolerance so long as they keep their place. Any sign of pretension to equality is promptly repressed.
- H.E.W. Young, British Vice Consul in Mosul, 1909
It is instructive to consider the following hadiths, an Arabic term which refers to the oral tradition by means of which sayings or deeds attributed to the Prophet Mohammed have been handed down to Muslims:
"Verily, the word of God teaches us, and we implicitly believe it, that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."
The attitude of the Muslims toward the Christians and the Jews is that of a master towards slaves, whom he treats with a certain lordly tolerance so long as they keep their place. Any sign of pretension to equality is promptly repressed.
- H.E.W. Young, British Vice Consul in Mosul, 1909
It is instructive to consider the following hadiths, an Arabic term which refers to the oral tradition by means of which sayings or deeds attributed to the Prophet Mohammed have been handed down to Muslims:
"Verily, the word of God teaches us, and we implicitly believe it, that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."
"The hour [i.e.,
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends"[Sura 5:50]
Muslims are motivated to faith and Jihad by the rewards of the afterlife. What does one have to do to end up in 'the other place'? What is it like?
Ecumenism and Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad recited in the Holy Qur'an (Koran) Chapter 98, Verse 6 : "The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and the Pagans will burn forever in the Fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures".
Qur'an (2:39), "On the Day of Judgement, We shall gather them all together prone on their faces, blind, dumb and deaf: their abode will be Hell and we shall increase for them the fierceness of the Fire."
Qur'an(22:21) "In addition there will be maces of iron to punish them."
Qur'an (11:106) "Those ' in the Fire will be ' nothing but the heaving of sighs and sobs."
Qur'an (44:47-48) "Drag him into the midst of the Blazing Fire" Then pour over his head the Penalty of Boiling Water."
Qur'an (66:6) "Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are appointed angels stern and severe who flinch not from executing the Commands they receive from Allah."
Qur'an (72:23) "For any that disobey Allah and his Messenger - for them
Hell: they shall remain therein for ever".http://www.peacefaq.com/islam.html#theoth
What a absolute stupid religion. Talk about blindness? It shows you how religion can be a opiate as Marx said. These guys have drank the cup of strong delusion and are drunk with it. I hope most of them don't actually read this garbage. Maybe, in the many true mercies of the only God and Savior, a Grace will be given them to find repentance.
I've studied Muslims and the 911 Report. It's a complex subject, and, like Christians, they're not all cut from the same mold.
It is amazing that the religion has been so successful. It is more narrow, I think, than any other religion. It is legalistic, xenophobic to the max, and extremely arrogant. That said,I think I would like most Arabs.
In spiritual warfare terms, there seems to be a ruling prince over that area of the world, possibly the "Prince of Persia" that resisted Gabriel.
Basically, MuhamMAD demoted Jesus. Jews ruled him out and Islam took away his kingship and deity but exalted him as a great teacher. No wonder the religion tends to harsh legalism and violence, there is no grace in it. Only the sword.
This is why I often pray for the Islamic-bound people. Nothing would be better for them than democracy and the toppling of their religious regimes. But I don't know if it is going to happen.
You know, in Nigeria, that state is divided in half between Christians in the south and Muslims in the north. They are at literal, constant war with each other, holding their borders. But, if you live by the sword you will die by it. However, the Christian resistance holds back Islam from taking over Nigeria and 7% of our oil resources that come from there.
The whole picture is why I can't throw out Armageddon as a future event. We are literally watching it unfold before our eyes.
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