Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bounty Hunter Theology

In a recent Beliefnet interview, Dog, of the show Dog the Bounty Hunter, explained his theology:

How would you define your spiritual lives?

A Christian is very Christ-like. Christ wouldn’t say, "Freeze, M-F!" He’d say something else. So, sometimes we cannot be too Christ-like, but we’re believers in Christ.

We believe that God is big enough to give every nationality their own religion, as he’s given them their own taste in food, in plants, in furniture, and housing. I think that each religion has their basic Christ-ish way to get to the Everlasting God. As far as "Jesus only" kind of people, I as a gentile must believe in Jesus. But I do not condemn, say, the Jewish [people], for not having Jesus. I believe that God is smart enough to make different nationalities and creeds and people, a mediator to get towards him—if you need that.

Everybody’s under God’s planet, and God is the Almighty, the Beginning, the End, the Alpha, the Omega. He’s Big Daddy. He gives out these little soldiers and sons and angels and saints to help everybody else get through to him. I’m not the "Jesus-only or you’re going to hell" kind of guy.

Romans 2:12
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.
13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,
15since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts
, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
16This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

I don't think anybody is going to confuse Dog with a real theologian ~ and some would criticize what he said above ~ but take a closer look.

First off, he is parroting the popular concept that "all paths lead to God" (all dogs go to heaven).
Is this what Paul meant in Romans 2 (above) when he said, "The Gentiles who do the law are a law unto themselves"?

Actually, it is as though Paul is saying that those who do righteous things are righteous and will be considered righteous in the final judgment. I think Paul is also saying here that if a man practices righteousness outside of faith in Christ, or in spite of ignorance about who Jesus is, that man will still be considered righteous.

That is not the same as "imputed righteousness." When something is "imputed", it is bestowed. Faith in Christ brings us into this imputed or bestowed kind of righteousness that is outside of works, or outside of trying to be as righteous as possible by attempting to perform the righteous dictates of the law. But righteousness is righteousness no matter how you look at it.

Paul is illustrating how we will be judged. Are you a Gentile outside of the law? Then you sin outside the law. Are you a Jew under the law? If you sin, the law will judge you. And what if you sin having faith in Christ? You have forgiveness. But if you continue doing whatever it is you're doing wrong, your works will be burned up (1 Cor. 3:15).

Faith in Christ makes all the difference. But God is a just God toward those without faith. Justice says the punishment fits the crime. Who knows better than God how to repay for crime or sin? But, remember, the forgiveness available through Christ lifts that judgment and sets the captive free. It makes a huge difference in your afterlife. Jesus called it "abundant life" and "eternal life."

Perhaps Dog is like so many believers who ~ in today's world, where God is under scrutiny for being a big meanie ~ try to portray God with the most merciful face possible. Still, fundamentalists will say, "All paths do not lead to God. Jesus is the only way."

This is where clarification is needed in these post-modern times. Let me give it a shot in simple terms:

Those who place their faith in Christ have the advantage, because he is the only Son of God.
Their sins are forgiven ~ plain and simple. They are in a very special class. These are the heirs of the kingdom.

Those who place their faith in religions outside of this grace have either spurned the message of Christ or have never heard it. They are judged outside of this grace / faith community. "Without faith it is impossible to please (or be accepted by) God." We labor in vain without Christ. Those who labor to do good, then, without Christ, will be judged for the good they have done.
Or the evil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be in a group that relies on its good works to enter heaven. That's what the snake offered Eve. "ssss you will know Good and Evil sss be like God ssss. Same old lie. Without Jesus Christ your going to hell. He is your only "Get out of Hell" ticket. God's justice will work. Everyone born has had some kind of a chance somewhere in their existence. I am not God so I am not going to assume to be able to Judge anyone going to heaven or hell except by the written of spoken Word of God. Like you always say, "To him we stand or fall" Here is an example. I am a Native Indian in the Jungles of Peru. I have never heard the Gospel and I come upon a fellow tribesmen who was bitten by a snake. He is going to die and has his bag lying next to him with many precious things in it. I need those things but so does his family. I choose to take it to his family. A righteous act. Then next week I get bit by the same snake and die. My good works that Paul said by nature I do, stand for me and I meet Jesus at the gate and accept him and go into to heaven. If I did choose to the wrong thing I go into hell but not deep. That is simplistic but that is how I see those out side. On the other hand everyone in this country is without excuse.